Francine and Katinka’s Artistic Residency Story

Two Dutch friends, the former an illustrator of books for young readers, both of them trying to «escape» Christmas bustle, engaging in a relaxing and peaceful environment centred on weaving.

Francine longed for a light one-time experience to intersperse writing and drawing with. She met with an intense passionate experience, nearly obsessive, leaving writing and drawing for later. From spinning to weaving and back, with short breaks wandering into the village or in the neighbouring fields, time dragging behind before such thirst for discovery.

Katinka arrived, light and relaxed, no special expectations lingering, immersing unwantedly with a youthful happy spirit into discovery and experimentation. And discretely behind the scene, Isabel, attentive but nonchalant, teaching, guiding here and there, leaving individual will and creativity surface and flow.