Anna-Rose’s Artistic Residency Story

She arrived from a far away land, New Zealand, having studied textile design, yearning to push her knowledge further, full of that youthful energy that prompts experimenting with new techniques and materials.

She first felt for the space and all she had at her disposal. She then designed an informal working plan with Isabel, a plan of learning and experimenting. Time took care of the rest. Anna-Rose gave herself in, in a carefree spirit, indulging either in different wefts and different materials or in spinning, the whole of it occasionally punctuated by a walk or a bike ride by way of physical exercise, or a stroll into the nearby village.

During her residency some theme excursions were possible to the Oficina de Tecelagem Tradicional de Mértola (Traditional Weaving Studio in Mértola), Fábrica de Lanifícios de Reguengos de Monsaraz (Wool Factory in Reguengos de Monsaraz), which keeps breathing under Mizette’s steady blow, to Arraiolos, with a visit to its tapestry museum and to different local weavers.

While she was in residence her path crossed for a week that of two other residents, Ami e Amachi, from Japan, with an inevitable, invaluable and enriching exchange of experiences. Anna-Rose left here full of joy and the odd tear shining in her eye, body and soul replenished, longing to come back.